July 25, 2011

Usagi Drop Ep2-3: Pinky Swears

Posted in Usagi Drop tagged , at 5:03 pm by meotwister5

I’m sure a lot of us remember what a pinky swear meant when we were kids. As children we were afraid of many things, like
strangers, being separated from our parents, not getting back home on time, among other things. Sometimes all it took to quell our fears was a pinky swear with our loved ones, to reassure us that they’d be there for us, a promise to be by our side whenever
we need them. Surely enough this is such a confidence booster for some kids, especially kids like Rin who have already experienced such feelings of loss and abandonment at such a young age. It may not look like much to us today at our ages, but for
Rin it was the difference between assurance and perhaps despair.

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July 8, 2011

Usagi Drop Pilot: Single Parenthood

Posted in Usagi Drop tagged , , , at 9:33 pm by meotwister5

Being a parent, of even the more mild form of “guardian”, is harder than it looks.  I’m not a parent and I don’t expect to be one for a long, long time, and as such I doubt I’d be prepared for the responsibilities that come with it any time soon.  Some say you learn on the job, some also say each person is born with some instinctive parenting skills, but it would be a bald faced lie when someone claims parenting is easy.  Much more if you’re single, and much more if it happens almost on a whim.

Daikichi, waking up the next day, is about to learn just how heavy his new responsibility is.

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